Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hey, you haven't been posting awhile!

              I'm unsure how many people read this blog (I secretly don't trust the statistics given to me by google), but for anyone who is a loyal follower, then the question of "what the hell happened" must have been raised in the past few days. Well, I kind of have a good excuse for my sudden lack of material (though I recognize that I did promise some reviews of games). First, I'm back at University of Michigan and that always requires me to reorganize my obligations and well, reorganizing obligations takes time. Especially since classes haven't started yet so I've been more in a housing limbo, where I know I have work and other things coming up, but I don't have the means to begin working on them all right now (or sometimes I don't have the drive :p). But alas, simply returning to college wouldn't be enough to derail my video game reviewing efforts. What's different this time is the fact that I've joined the Res Staff at Mojo as an RA. For those of you unfamiliar with the process, being an RA during move in means you are placed on a schedule that usually mirrors a 9-5 job. I've also come down with the sniffles, making my free time being used for sleep rather than video game playing. Also, I wasn't even near my laptop for 2 days (housing puts us on a retreat), taking away crucial hours that I could have been using finishing Terranigma. But at this point it just seems like I'm making up excuses. So I want to make it clear. I will be continuing with the blog throughout the year, however the amount of posts completed will be significantly reduced. To make up for this, I'm going to try to spend more time on a particular game and also begin making commentary on hot button issues in the video game industry. I'm also considering making a video game appreciation club here at Michigan, which will further fuel the flames of my passion for this blog. I can't say enough about how grateful I am, that at least some people are reading this stuff. Even if you don't agree, it means a lot that my opinion is being considered in the larger web of other opinions concerning the video game community. I hope those of you who read this blog avidly (though I know that's probably very few people), will continue to support it regardless of the reduction in material. Thanks!

                                                                                           Raymond Arroyo

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