Saturday, July 14, 2012

Finally Finishing a FF game

                  I haven't reviewed a Final Fantasy game yet and that might seem peculiar given all the love and attention I've been giving to Super Nintendo RPGs. The reason I haven't taken my crack at the legendary RPG series is because I had the unfortunate pleasure of playing this game.
I don't know what I was thinking
I started with Final Fantasy 13 (mostly because I had a ps3 and gamefly) and I dedicated 2 weeks of playing (not game hours, just sporadic playing throughout the 2 weeks) just to find myself unable to complete the game. I detested what I saw as the "Final Fantasy model". This grind heavy, group narrative plot that I assumed could either turn out really beautifully or end in massive amounts of boredom and frustration led me around with a carrot on a stick with its awful cliche character archetypes and horrible dialogue. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't intrigued by the overall plot of the l'Cie finding their intended destiny and the game even explored interesting preoccupations, like God's intended plan and what one is willing to give up for another. But everything was so cliche and bland that I found myself disenchanted throughout most of the game. This isn't intended to be a review so I'm not going to continue, but the point is I dislike Final Fantasy. 
               Now the reason I'm writing this is because I have decided to revisit the series. I am going to play Final Fantasy 3 for the SNES. The purpose of this is to give this series its fair shot. I was definitely too quick to write it off with the its inferior modern version. I mean look at Sonic. We all love the old Sonic the hedgehog games, but every single time they come out with a new one I want to cry and press charges for the damage they do to my childhood. I intend to finish the game, so it might take awhile before I write another review. Just wanted to give a heads up.

Note: Thanks to anyone reading my blog. Over the past month and half I've had over 700 site views. This could probably amount to a dedicated group of about 50 readers and even that number is compelling to me. Even if you're just my friend clicking on my fb post of the blog, I still appreciate it because the reason I write these is not to get popular and make money, but to share my enthuse for gaming with anyone willing to listen. 

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