Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A blog gone astray

         I realized that yet again I've managed to turn this blog into what it's not. This blog's primary purpose was to review old games, thus the name "Retrospect". The idea was by reviewing these games with a modern take, unsung classics ( and some well known classics) would be revisited and cherished for the masterpieces they are. Well I'm glad to announce that I'm going to refocus the blog this coming year. The next few games I'm going to be reviewing are going to be indie games akin to the 8-bit era that I've been so endearing too. Then I'm going to go back to the Super Nintendo and search for more classics to enjoy.
        The purpose of reviewing old games is not only to get people to look back, but to also remind people the power of video games without the flashy graphics and complicated plots. I want to bring people back to a time where tools were limited and so developers did more with less. I believe if current game designers aren't playing these games, then they are truly missing out and doing an injustice to the games they are currently working on. Just like how a poet who hasn't read Shakespeare is completely blind to a world of possibility, a RPG game designer who hasn't played earthbound is completely blind to how amazing the normalcy of the world can be. I hope bringing this blog back into focus will make my devotion to it stronger and will help spur more conversation on the site (since it currently has none). 

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