Thursday, June 12, 2014

COD Advanced Warfare looks like it has some major flaws

   The gameplay for COD Advance Warfare hit E3 and it seems my Halo got mixed with my COD. Your super soldier has a suit (well I guess they call it an exoskeleton) that endows the soldier with the ability to jump really far away. Now I haven't seen the other advantages to the suit ( though I've heard it can be treated like armor and so on), but just from seeing the jumping ability, I became very skeptical of the fluidity of the gameplay. Call of duty play style is very slow compared to other shooters like TitanFall. The game is meant for a duck and cover system where you scurry through a map, looking for enemies, then proceed to kill those enemies without your own cover being blown. Sometimes you'll engage in full on fire fights, but often in COD the enemy kills you before you even know the enemy is there. Perks such as Marathon and lightweight allow you to move quicker, but even that speed is a brisk walk compared to the sprinting found in Titanfall. I'm not saying COD should be Titanfall, I'm just using Titanfall as an example of a game that uses superhuman capabilities to make for a thrilling game play experience. You haven't lived till you walked on a wall to the other side of the map, promptly falling behind the enemy sniper that tried to pick you off several times, then proceeding to snap his neck, while hitching a ride off your buddy in a Titan. It's euphoric. Something tells me that COD won't be having those kinds of acrobats in its core gameplay. So my issue becomes one of practicality. Why would I use my ability to jump high if it will blow my cover immediately? And it's not like I have significant armor (unless they's what they're adding, which may be the case), so chances are if the enemy sees me froffing about in the sky, my exoskeleton is about to become swiss cheese. Halo/2/3/Reach were fun games because you had significant armor that allowed you to take risks. You could potentially jump in the air, exposing yourself to multiple sources of fire, just to land that perfect sticky grenade. Is that the route COD is going? If it is, then good for them I suppose. I'm unsure if that's what they're fans want, but I feel we've had enough realistic shooters for this decade. Time to get all futuristic. Also, did anyone see Splatoon? It looks awesome. 

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